
Thanks for stopping by. My name is Sean DeRue. I'm a marketer turned software engineer and here's my portfolio. Have a look!

Java logoCSS logoGithub logo

Slipchenko Lab

Undergraduate research assistant helping to build a GUI for a chemistry visualizing tool

React logoSocket.io logoNode.js logo

Multiplayer Dice Game

A WebSocket-based multiplayer dice racing game

React logoThree.js logoFirebase logo

Bakery Order Form

A cute order form & auto-emailer for a local baker

React logoTypeScript logoAWS logo

Budgeting App

[WIP] A percent-based budgeting app designed to build a system around your financial goals in minutes

Next.js logoDato CMS logoReact logo

Cover Letter Experience

A 3D cover letter experience that tangibly shows what I can bring to the table


(Swipe to explore my projects)