Next.js logo


Dato CMS logo

Dato CMS

React logo


Project Date: 2022-12-22


Because the tech-job market was hurting, and I am a self-taught developer, I decided to build something to help me stand out. In just 23 days, I built a 3D web experience dedicated to a company whom I really wanted to work for (Webstacks). I used all of their favorite tech, posted it to LinkedIn, submitted it along with my job application, and crossed my fingers.


Think out of the box to land a career role. Use this project to impress the team at Webstacks and ultimately earn a job as a React Engineer. In the process, I'd enjoy getting more experience with headless CMS.

Project Features

  • Webstack's design elements, methodology, and job description expanded upon to illustrate how I'd fit in

  • React for extensible components & state management

  • Next.js for static rendering & SEO friendliness

  • DatoCMS for headless content hydration

  • GraphQL for backend communication

  • Vercel for cloud-based hosting

  • React-Three/Fiber for unique 3D experience

  • Sass for CSS management

  • Handmade 3D .gltf models

  • Easter egg in console.log() 😉


Time will tell! As of today, Dec. 27, 2022, I'm still in the throes of the career search. I've always known that I'll bring my all to the table wherever I end up. Now I'm glad to have made a project that I believe communicates this well.